O.C. Idol | Sascha

In portrait

Name: Sascha
Age: 31
Place of residence: Frankfurt a. Main
Height: 1.71m
Occupation: Pilot & flight instructor
Hobbies: Fitness, piano/guitar/drums, motorcycling
When did the hair loss occur: Suddenly in his early 20s
Type of hair loss: Hereditary, circular hair loss (alopecia)
Has been wearing hair plugs since: February 2018
Other solutions: Medication showed no success, hair transplantation not very promising due to the spread of hair loss, also too risky and time-consuming.

YouTube video
YouTube video

Sascha on Instagram

As a pilot, Sascha lives the dream of many men. He is happy to take you on his journey on his Instagram channel and give you an authentic insight into his life with a hair system. You are also welcome to contact Sascha personally via Instagram or WhatsApp and ask your questions.

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